SUMMARY As its name suggests this class provides 'animated' cursors -- i.e. a sequence of cursors which are displayed whilst a block is being executed.
Look on the class side in protocol examples.
Bernard Horan, 25 September 1992"!
Object subclass: #AnimatedCursor
instanceVariableNames: 'cursors index '
classVariableNames: 'TimeDelay '
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'Animated Cursors'!
AnimatedCursor comment:
'As it''s name suggests this class provides ''animated'' cursors -- i.e. a sequence of cursors which are displayed whilst a block is being
Look on the class side in protocol examples.
Bernard Horan, 25 September 1992'!
!AnimatedCursor methodsFor: 'initialize'!
setCursors: anArrayOfCursors
cursors := anArrayOfCursors.
index := -1.! !
!AnimatedCursor methodsFor: 'displaying'!
self nextCursor showWhile:[TimeDelay copy wait]!
showWhile: aBlock
"While evaluating the argument, aBlock, make the receiver be the
cursor shape. The exBlock _must_ contain a 'Processor yield'
expression, otherwise you don't get to see the cursors.
There is a way round this exception, and that's to use the timeslice'
fileIn that's in the Usenet goodies archive at Manchester (and